Double Chin


Love Handles


Bra Fat


Back Fat


Double Chin / Love Handles / Bra Fat / Back Fat /

Kybella to get rid of double chin fort worth texas


Say, “goodbye” to that double chin for good! Bougie Aesthetics® offers fat reduction with Kybella™ in Fort Worth, TX. Kybella™ is the first and only FDA-approved injectable treatment that contours and improves the appearance of submental fullness sometimes referred to as “double chin”. With just a few injections, your double chin will melt away in a matter of weeks! This treatment can also be used in other fatty areas of the body.

  • Genetics, diet, and age can play a big part in where we store fat. Unfortunately, the under chin area is one of the first places that fat pockets begin to form giving us a “double chin” look. Kybella™ is the perfect treatment to permanently dissolve these fat pockets with a few treatments over the course of a few months.

  • Buccal fat AKA cheek fat doesn’t always require a surgical procedure to be removed. Kybella™ can effectively burn fat in the cheeks and jowls for a slimmer, more defined facial profile within a few treatments depending on the amount of fat stored in the face. Combining this procedure with dermal fillers to the cheekbones and temple hollows delivers impressive results.

  • Are you experiencing bra fat or underarm fat? This is something that most women will experience at some point. Kybella™ is an effective treatment option in which the Kybella™ will be injected into the fat pockets under the arms and will permanently dissolve the fat within a few treatments.



Are you looking to reduce a double chin or stubborn love handles but aren’t sure if Kybella™ is the right treatment for you? Tell us more about yourself and someone will get back to you to schedule a consultation. Thanks for reaching out to Bougie Aesthetics®.